Monday, November 5, 2012

When looking for inspiration for my blog, I sometimes have to search high and low before finding a suitable topic. Not so today.

This weekend was chock full of sad, but right at the end, my sister and I saw a sight that let us know that the world was alright: A lady wearing a Victoria's Secret Think Pink velour tracksuit that was two sizes too small, stretched so tight over her badonkadonk that you could see that she was wearing a thong that was also two sizes too small (seriously, I don't know if she'll require surgery to remove that thing from her butt, but my guess would be yes).

As she sashayed her way around the corner of the Giant gas station to let her little dog go poo, we were treated to a lot of cellulite and jiggle, and it made my day.

Not that seeing my family this weekend wasn't great (because it was, and it would've been a lot more fun had it not included the whole really really really really sad sadness that happens when people get too old and sick to be able to care for themselves), but a lady in a too-small velour tracksuit is pretty high up there on my list of things to see before I die. That fabric was stretched so hard that it was incredibly see-through, allowing for a view of every dimple and every wrinkle, but it still provided a lot of movement, so her cellulite was free to get its Jello-type wiggling on.

It was super impressive. I thought you'd wear one of those just for comfort, but there's no way that was comfortable. That's dedication to a look, right there. Lady, I applaud you.

Anyhow, at that moment, my sister and I looked at each other and laughed, and I had that happy feeling inside that means, "Ah...I have a blog topic for tomorrow." 


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