Monday, November 19, 2012

On a recent trip through Target, I realized that sometimes I get really excited about things and I lose all ability to keep my voice down, causing me to say stuff really loudly that may or may not be appropriate.

I was Christmas tree shopping with my sister and dad, and we were walking up the aisles, just kind of looking at stuff and being our usual hilarious selves.

Because we are the funniest group you'll ever encounter. Or, at least, we think so.

Anyhow, I came upon a display of things specifically packaged as gifts, and one of them was a phone receiver handle that you can hook up to your cell phone and it's like talking on a real phone handset. Like this:

The ones in Target were neon colors, too, which is also distracting to someone like myself. I became a wee bit excited and said, "These are supposed to be gifts, but I really want one for myself!" (or something along those lines) and, apparently, I was kind of loud, because this woman down the aisle from us started laughing at me.

I think she may have been laughing with me, because I did start laughing a few seconds later.

She may also have been a hobo. I suspect that she was.

At any rate, I guess I was being loud, but it's hard to contain one's excitement when one is confronted with big plastic phone handsets, immediately after looking at Christmas decorations and the like. I guess I am loud a lot, though.

Or maybe it's just that people listen extra hard to what we're saying because we're the kind of people that look as though we're having so much fun that everyone else wants to hang out with us.

Yep, that's it.

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