Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Alrighty, guys. It's Lent. Time to do that whole "Second New Year's Resolution" thing, right?

Or maybe I'm the only one who thinks of it that way...

Anyway, when I was a little kid, we were Catholic, so I guess we must've given something up for Lent, but I was too little and I don't remember. Then, we became Protestant, but it was the kind of Protestant where you don't do Lent, so basically for the next twenty years or so, I was good to go.

Now, we're Lutheran. So there's Lent.

My husband doesn't do it, because it just feels weird to him (I'm guessing), but I kind of like structured times of doing something that encourages me to focus on being a better person, so I like to do it just for an excuse to push myself a little bit.

Also, there's Easter at the end and that means my Mom will make those coconut cupcakes, so I have to save up my sugar.

At any rate, it's day one and I haven't decided what I should do. There are pretty much a billion ways in which I'm not up to par. I need to practice more, I need to eat less sugar and more vegetables, I need to work out more and do more intense exercise, I need to stop buying things that I don't really need...yeah, there's even more than that. I am officially not a good person.

And vowing to be a better person for the next six and a half weeks is just too broad. I need a specific task.

I don't actually believe I have to do this for God, mind you. I don't think it really matters to an all-knowing, all-seeing being whether or not I give up cake. I'm pretty sure it's for my own benefit, and a good excuse to work on myself. Like a New Year's Resolution, but more focused and in a shorter time frame, so it's a little easier to stick to.

I think I'm going to go with meditation.

That is something I've been really wanting to do, but I haven't been good about doing it regularly, and I think some mindfulness and focus could be a healthy thing.

Also, I'm already off sugar and exercising more, so I feel like that would be a cop-out.

Okay. It's written down, on the interwebs, so I have to do it. I will meditate every day for five minutes. I can do this. It will be good for me.


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