Tuesday, March 14, 2017

It strikes me as incredibly odd that we have all of these new scientific advances, we are learning more and more things every day, and the Internet has so much information on it that a person could literally look up a thousand topics a day and still have new items to look up for a really long time. Yet the mom jean keeps coming back into style.

Why, guys? Why?

For those of you who don't know what I'm referring to, here's a picture:

WHY? This lady is thin and pretty and would most likely look great in almost any outfit.

I just can't understand what people are thinking with these. Yes, I own a pair. I wear them when we're doing projects around the house and I have to say that, comfort-wise, these homies win. Hands down. It's almost like not wearing pants at all.

I stopped wearing them in public after my trip to Disney World a couple of years ago. I never really wore them out before that, but I figured I wouldn't see anyone there that I knew, and I wanted to be comfortable. My husband took a picture of me, and when I saw what the pants looked like, I swore to never, ever wear them out in public again.

It was pretty bad. I looked a good twenty pounds heavier and the pants were a little short, so maybe flooding was expected that day, I don't know, and the pants themselves seemed to have a mind of their own. I was in danger of them swallowing my boobs, what with the height of the pants, and my butt? Don't even ask.

No one's butt looks okay in those bad boys, and when you have a flat butt to begin with, as I do, you are in trouble.

So, again, why? Why why why? I think we can all tell it's the wrong choice, but we keep getting sucked in with false promises of comfort and attempts to be stylish in a way that doesn't involve showing off buttcrack.

Let's all agree never to do this again, okay? In public, I mean. They're so comfortable you don't want to just throw them out... 

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