Friday, February 13, 2015

So, last night as I'm tossing and turning and coughing in our guest room (because it was like the cough Olympics, and I was winning), I did what I sometimes do when I've been sick for a while and I'm running on very little sleep (I think maybe a total of 10 hours for the whole week....not great). I started having deep thoughts about life.

Holy crap. Not a good thing.

See, now that it's morning and I've talked to my husband and seen him off to work and I'm getting ready to head in myself, all of those thoughts seem ridiculous. Of course.

But not at 2 a.m. when it's just me and my brain.

So I was thinking about all of the horrible things that could happen. And then I started reading blog posts on the interwebs about all sorts of things. Now, at some point, I probably should've said to myself, "Hey. You're getting yourself all riled up about nothing. You should probably go lie down on the couch and watch some Scooby-Doo." 

In case you don't know, Scooby-Doo is the magical cure for everything.

At any rate, I did not do that. Nope. Instead, I decided to go take a hot bath. FYI, when you already have a slight temperature (and I mean, less than a degree above normal), a hot bath may not make you feel better. It may, in fact, increase your crazy.

Pretty sure that's how it went for me.

So I ended up at 4 a.m., compulsively taking my temperature to try to will it back down. That did not work. So I went back to the bed and cried about nothing, which just made me snottier, and finally fell asleep at about 4:30.

Aaaaaand got up for work a little after 5. Wow. I feel refreshed.

The lesson in all this? There is no lesson. Colds are a pile of crap, and I need to go get me some better cough syrup. Period. The end.

Happy Friday.

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