Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Well, it's the day before Thanksgiving and I'm not off work, but I have so much to do. I have to figure it out, because this week I ended up spending way too much time in the office and not enough time getting my own crap done. So today is catch up day, and it's probably going to kick my butt.

However, I don't mind busy. What DO I mind? Fifty thousand Facebook posts about everyone in their pajamas all day today, and knowing half of my students won't show up for lessons today because they'll forget because they all have the day off. Seriously.

When did we start adding days to holidays? I don't have the kind of job where I get holiday pay, so two days off, unpaid, is plenty for me, thanks. Especially since I just took a big old vacation and stuff. When did Thanksgiving Wednesday become a thing? Where was I?

I was probably in my head, not paying attention, but still.

Oh, well. I'll figure it out. I may not be able to wear pajamas all day, but I'll still get to bake my pies, so that's good, and maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to change out of regular pants by 6 pm. That would be swell.

And maybe next year, I'll remember, and just take today off like everybody else.

P.S. I'm totally not shopping ANYWHERE on Thursday or Friday. Not at all. I'm going to celebrate how thankful I am, and not buy into the meaningless consumerism that's ruining the holidays. Just a thought. Also, so many people. It makes me die. You should stay home, too, if you can. And if you have to work, ugh. I'm so, so sorry for all the crazy you have to deal with.

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