Thursday, November 19, 2015

I have some voice teacher confessions to make. It's been one heck of a week, and I feel like I should just get these things out in the open.

1. I start preparing for Christmas in August because you guys don't practice. If I thought you would be consistent, we would start in October, but we both know that's not going to happen. The few people who actually have their stuff together get to do fun Christmas songs and everybody else just gets to sing their pieces over and over with me, because they're not doing it at home. Trust me, you'll be glad we did.

2. Sometimes, the thought of teaching your kid makes me want to run into the bathroom and hide. But I can't. I know I'm going to have to sit through thirty minutes of, "I couldn't practice this week. My mom wouldn't let me." and I just don't want to have to keep a straight face so I know I'm just going to look down at my notebook and have your kid basically do a practice session with me. Instead of learning, which is what lessons should be, you're paying me to watch your kid do something he should've done a few times at home. Nice.

3. I know when your kid is spending ten minutes in the bathroom to avoid the above. And there's nothing I can do about it, except wait it out. Sorry.

4. I give out certain Christmas songs only to people who can sing them well enough to not make me die inside. There's a reason we don't do Silent Night very often: Because I like it and I'm picky.

5. Please take note that it takes me weeks to work up the courage to send you a note about your kid. I don't do it lightly, but sometimes it seems like the student is actually getting worse from week to week. When I do express my concerns and then you're dismissive, it lets me know that you're just using this as expensive daycare. Therefore, my goal for your student basically changes to getting through the half hour without anyone crying. Myself included.

6. Recitals are hard. No one likes them. I hate them worse than all the rest of you because I have to do all of the work. Don't act as though you're doing me a favor by being in it. This is all for your benefit, people. I would rather spend my evening at home watching Netflix and eating Chinese food.

7. I love some of your kids so much that I have periodic bouts of thinking I'm missing out on something by being childless. Thank goodness for those other kids that pull me out of my insanity.

8. Finally, I work two other jobs so I can afford to do this. It means something to me. Every time you cancel at the last minute or act as though the little bit you pay me is too much for what I do, it insults me and hurts my feelings. Maybe, I don't know, treat me how you'd like to be treated, and we'll all be just fine.

That is all. 

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