Tuesday, November 10, 2015

I have totally decided to do homemade Christmas this year. I'm not trying to be cheap; I just really want my gifts to mean something beyond taking two minutes to buy a gift card. I don't need anyone to buy me exactly what I want. I want something that made them think of me.

Yeah, I'm ruining the holiday for everybody else.

I just have decided, in recent years, that I hate the commercialism, and I'd rather have way less, but thoughtful stuff. So I'm making a huge portion of what I'm giving out for Christmas this year, and I'm pretty excited. I hope everybody else can deal.

My first project, that I decided on a month or two ago, is finally coming together, and it looks like it's going to be a success. It's a homemade skin care item, and let's just say that I tried it on myself yesterday, and I remain totally hive-free and it actually worked pretty well! So that's good.

I have a really long list of stuff to make, but it makes me happy. Maybe after Christmas I'll post what I did. The gift for the people at work is coming out really awesome, so I'll have to remember to take pictures.

At any rate, it's coming. Maybe we can all do our best to really be kind to one another and stop being turds. You know, in the spirit of Thanksgiving/Christmas time. Let's do that.

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