Monday, October 5, 2015

I made it!!

I survived a whole week without Zyrtec!!

Okay, that may not seem triumphant, since I'm also on Nasacort and Singulair and a steroid cream, for my eczema, but I can say now, for sure, that the Zyrtec is what makes the difference between me being a little rashy and itchy and me wanting to claw all of my skin off. One of those C.S. Lewis Narnia books (The Voyage of the Dawn Treader) has something like that in it, when a kid puts on a gold bracelet, becomes a dragon, then has to peel all of his skin off.

Except I didn't get the fun peely part, nor did I get to be a dragon, so I lose.

This itching has been really rough. But I had to do it so I can get new allergy testing done today. Still, though. Whoa. For the first six days, I had no steroid cream, either, because it was my week off of that, and let me tell you, I thought I was going to die. I've been fortunate enough not to get measles or chickenpox, but I imagine it's something like that, only mine is longer lasting and those are much grosser looking. I really did think I would die, though.

Okay, maybe not really die, but it felt like tiny ants were crawling all over me all of the time, waking me up all night, etc. Gross. Also, the worst itchy places were places which should never, ever be scratched in public. So I'm having to go around the corner every two minutes to scratch at that horrible patch on the back of my thigh right under my butt, or the one on my chest underneath there where the bra wires are. It's super ladylike. I'm sure my mother would be ever so proud. 

But tomorrow morning, I get to throw my Zyrtec back in there and get some relief, thank goodness. Also, though, Saturday was my day to start the steroid cream back up, and that makes a huge difference, too.

Yep, you wanted to hear all about my eczema. It's fascinating, isn't it?

Too bad. That's all I've been thinking about for like six months, so I get to share.

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