Monday, August 3, 2015

Well, opera season is over. Sigh.

I feel like I always dread it a little, because it means every weekend for five weeks in a row is tied up, but once it gets here, it makes me so happy. Because opera and dresses and fancy time. 

Then it's over, and there's no more reason to be fancy.

I'm pretty sure I loved dress-up a lot when I was little. I love jewelry and shiny bags and shoes and elegant dresses. Opera is just like that, except that I can wear as much makeup as I want and there's also usually booze involved.

Yay champagne!

Also, for the opera, I have never painted my lips with nail polish because my mom wouldn't let me wear lipstick. For the record, don't do that. I still remember the burning and the removal process. Yeah, it was every bit as painful as it sounds.

At any rate, it's nice to be able to make plans (or not) again on the weekends, and not to have to worry about writing reviews that can't be over five hundred words when I need a thousand or more to say what I really want to say. I hate that part.

I will also enjoy not having creepy guy come ask me to the opera for another ten months.

But all in all, even with how hot and humid it's been, and how annoying certain aspects of the opera process are, I am sad it's over. Well, for now, anyway.

And I may just wear my fancy shoes and makeup to work. 

Hahahahahahaha. Not happening.

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