Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Yesterday, I was kind of having a day. You know, one of those days where a person is just going to feel kind of generally crappy, no matter what? So, on my way to an appointment, I stopped at Target.

Why? Because Target is one of the happiest places on Earth, along with Baskin Robbins and anywhere that serves a cheese plate.

Anyway, I only had 20 minutes or so, so I went straight to the clothes clearance section, and what I saw there cheered me up considerably: Jumpsuits.

Yes, rows and rows of jumpsuits. All shapes and colors and materials, many with short short bottoms, just hanging there, unpurchased.  The first thought in my head was, "Way to go, women of Albuquerque! Resist the jumpsuit!"

Although, to be fair, I have seen two people in jumpsuits that looked really cute. Both of them were extremely thin and modelly looking, so there you go.

Anyway, my next thought was that if I had enough time, I would go into the dressing room and try some on, because that would be hilarious. It would have set the tone for the rest of my day, for reals, because jumpsuits are never going to be a good choice for me. I'm too big, too tall, and just too unmodelly.

It did, however, make me very, very happy to see all of those rows of untouched jumpsuits.

Then I started wondering what they do with stuff that just doesn't sell. Do they end up donating it to a Goodwill or something? If so, I really hope they don't start heading jumpsuits out to people. That could be dangerous. Those things are just a bad, bad idea.

Unless you're doing surgery or handling nuclear materials or something like that. They could use them that way.

At any rate, I left with two new pairs of shoes ($8 apiece, yo!) and a good ten minutes of giggling from picturing different people in jumpsuits (my sister and I should get matching ones for Christmas picture time). Thanks, Target.

And thanks again, Albuquerque. Because friends don't let friends wear adult onesies. 

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