Monday, July 27, 2015

So here's my two cents about opera, for what it's worth.

Not everybody is going to like everything.

Wow, I know. Mind blown, right? Seriously, though, no two people are going to experience anything in life the same way because everything we see and hear is subjective. So art is going to be felt and heard in a totally different way by every single person exposed to it.

I think that's the point.

Maybe we should all try some art ourselves. Try some activities that don't involve careers or making money, but put in some time and some effort, pushing ourselves past the point where it ceases to be fun, and really create something that does nothing more than beautify our souls.

I know, it's a bit much for a Monday, but I can't help it.

There are so many people that defer to "professionals" in any field of the arts, and just try to feel the same way that person feels about a picture or a sculpture or a play. For me, I get asked, "Well, what do you you think of her voice? I don't know anything, you're the professional."

(Am I really? Because jobs in music are getting fewer and farther in between...sigh.)

I get this comment probably once or twice a week, and every single time, it makes me die a little inside, because it just serves to illustrate that we've taken art away and made it into some fancy schmancy thing that only belongs to certain, very boring, people.


Boo for that last one, but for reals. I don't get to tell you what you like. You get to decide what makes you feel something. Art isn't about pretty, it isn't about happy, and it sure isn't about me.

It's about someone putting their guts into something that makes you feel something in your guts. And then you guys are gut buddies forever. Ha ha ha...gut buddies.

But really. Stop asking me what's good. You should know what makes you feel all of your feelings. I don't want to know because gross.

I mean, you can totally hear my opinion, because, hey, I've got more opinions than commas. That's a lot. And I do like to share them because I do tend to think they're super cool. But really, take the time to see and hear things yourself. We're all getting stupider because we're being force fed this mass produced crap that is watered down and then told how to feel about it. Let's not do that, mmmkay?

And Monday. Blech.

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