Monday, July 20, 2015

In my life, I've learned many things. I've learned how to make a protein shake taste less like poo, how to crochet a super-fancy bookmark for when I'm reading super-fancy books, and I've also learned how to say many, many bad words in multiple languages.

Just in case I ever stub my toe in France.

At any rate, I want to pass on a bit of really important information that I seem to be alone in possessing. Take note: If you're in TV show where they're doing a murder investigation, and there's a perfect suspect, but he or she couldn't have done it because he or she is in a wheelchair, that's your person. They're faking it.


It blows my mind that no one ever asks the person in the wheelchair for an alibi. Never. Well, Jessica Fletcher does, but she's just plain smarter than everyone else. It's not that hard. Ask for an alibi, and maybe set up a trap so you can see if the person does, indeed, have to stay in the wheelchair at all times.

I don't think this rule applies in real life, but it for sure does on TV.

So now you know. Once again, you're welcome.

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