Tuesday, June 2, 2015

On our drive home from Denver yesterday, my Dad and I witnessed a rare sight: A non-Spanish speaking guy in a Taco Bell, attempting to order in Spanish.

Now, you might think this might not be a problem, because it's Mexican food. The names of all of the stuff are already in Spanish. Turns out that's not so. Also, the cashier was not a Spanish speaker, as was evident when she said, "Welcome to Taco Bell. May I take your order?"

We're happily sitting at our booth, because it is, after all, Taco Bell, and this guy walks up to the counter and, after the lady has given him her customary English Taco Bell greeting, the guy says (in a very, very, very, very bad accent), "Hola! Por favor, yo necesito una frijole burrito no queso." 

I spelled it as close as I could to give you the full experience. It was truly awful.

The lady says, "What?"

The guy says "Yo necesito una frijole burrito no queso."

The lady (who, mind you is an older lady with white hair, and has already greeted the guy in English with a very heavy Texas accent, so he's got to know he's dealing with someone who speaks English) says, "I'm sorry, sir, but I don't speak Spanish."

So then the guy embarrassedly orders in English.

Why would anyone try to order in Spanish at a Taco Bell, especially when he could plainly hear from her greeting that the cashier didn't speak Spanish?

Is it just that Taco Bell brings out his Spanish side and he really, really needs to?

Or maybe he's a moron.

I don't know, but it made me giggle all the rest of the way home. Also, who orders bean burritos with no cheese? That's just crazy talk.

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