Monday, June 29, 2015

I don't usually like to talk too much about controversial topics, but this one is too important to me to avoid, so here goes.

The Supreme Court made marriage legal, and now the huge number of gay citizens in America have a tiny slice of rights to which they can cling. It appears to me that my fellow Christians seem to be the ones acting the least Christ-like, and spouting the most hate. This breaks my heart.

I have read the Bible front to back and, while I don't believe the entire thing, cover to cover, was zapped onto the paper of my book by God, I do believe that this book has one big old message for us all: Love each other. That's clearly put in there, repeatedly. While I may be a bit obtuse at times, even I couldn't miss that point.

Several people have posted articles saying that the gay marriage thing will open up doors for pedophile rights. Seriously? First off, pedophiles are OVERWHELMINGLY heterosexual men. I found a study that gave the number as 11:1, and this was from the U.S. Government National Institute of Health, so I'm guessing it might be fairly accurate. Secondly, pedophiles aren't adults looking to have a long-term committed relationship with another adult. They're criminal perverts who victimize children. You're comparing two things that have nothing whatsoever in common, and that just makes you look ignorant and hateful.

Nobody said you have to like it. There are still many people in this country who think the government in this country exists simply to enforce their thoughts and beliefs. But guess what? It doesn't.

All this ruling does is take a step towards giving this large group of people a tiny speck of rights you and I have enjoyed for years. These people who are just like you and me. We're all attracted to something different, and the only people who have a place to say anything about a consenting adult's bedroom behavior is that person and whoever is sharing his or her bedroom.

The GLBTQ community has been bullied, threatened and basically treated as lesser citizens. In a free country, adults should be allowed to live as they choose, without fear of violence or hatred. This isn't the case. I have seen, with my very own eyes, people whom I love and care for being mocked and verbally harassed, and I know it gets much worse than that. This is strikingly similar to the way people of color have been treated in this country (I would like to say in the past, but unfortunately that's still going on, too).

This is not seventh grade. Stop.

As so many have said, if you don't want gay marriage, don't get one. But allow your fellow humans to have the same dignities that you have been afforded. More than that, though, if you call yourself a Christian, BE LIKE CHRIST. Love your fellow people.

(Also, for those of you who consider non-heterosexuality a sin (which I most certainly do not), maybe check out your sin know you're committing some good ones yourself...maybe clean that gluttony and lust up before you appoint yourself judge and jury to your fellow humans.)

I'm not telling anyone to change his or her beliefs. You can believe whatever you like, but that doesn't give you the right to be hateful. I'm just trying to remind people that the Bible is pretty darn clear about love being the most important thing of all. So do that, before anything else. And grow some manners, while you're at it.

Most of all, stop posting that ignorant, disgusting article. Geez.