Monday, June 15, 2015

It's been a while since my last post, because I have been out camping in my newish pop-up and generally having an awesome time. Deal with it. At least now I have some stories, starting with this one, entitled: Instruction Manuals Are There For A Reason!

Yep, they are.

At any rate, we were out in nature, having a super duper time, when I stepped on the bathmat by where the shower/toilet compartment is, and I noticed it was really, really wet. No one had had a shower for quite some time, so I was a wee bit concerned.

For those of you who have never had the privilege of being in a pop-up with a shower/toilet combo, this is what it looks like. Whose idea was it to put the poop area in where people shower? Gross.

Anyway, ours looks kind of like that, but backwards. But it's that clean, because I wipe that bad boy down after every use. Poop kills.

Anyway, the rug by the area was soaked. Massively. After talking me down, because I was convinced that poo water was all over the floor, and, consequently, all over my foot, my husband removed the rug, I went to town with the sanitizing wipes, and we took a look at the problem.

We discovered that we had been making an error in the way we'd been using the toilet.


It turns out that, unlike our old port-a-potty, where you needed to fill the toilet with liquid after flushing, with the thing closed, to keep stink from coming out, this one requires you to only run water when the thing is open, to flush stuff into the tank. No standing water in the bowl, because it will cause leaks.

Said it right in the instruction manual, too, which I must've read fifty times because the cassette thingy on it is complicated and we had trouble during setup.

So, yep. Water that was in the bowl where someone pooped could potentially leak out.


We threw out the mat, re-sanitized every flipping surface in the camper, and I cried a little. Okay, a lot.

Then we discovered that the leakage had only occurred a little on top of the cassette. Outside of the camper, and not where any of it got in the camper.

Yep, the leakage on the floor was because some water had been draining off of the shower curtain and had just pooled in that one place on the mat. Figured it out because it happened again the next time we used the shower and my husband happened to catch it right away.

So no poo water.

All that freak out for nothing.

Oh, well. If I hadn't had that to freak out about, it would've just been something else.

Okay, there were other things, but I'll save them for later. I'm tired just from thinking about all of that sanitizing. Happy Monday!

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