Wednesday, November 12, 2014

There are all of these hashtags everywhere. Most of the time I get them, but every once in a while, I am completely clueless and it drives me crazy until I figure it out.

I also didn't know what the hashtags did until like a week ago, because I finally overcame my fear of looking like an idiot and asked my sister. So there's that.

Anyway, even though I don't actually use my Twitter account, I am going to start using hashtags, especially in my day to day conversations. I am going to make some of them easy to understand, for instance this post is #completelyawesome.

Others, like #instantbananahorseshoe might take some figuring out.

Also, I don't think that hashtags in regular speech will do anybody any good, but it will be really fun for me. I might be talking to my boss later today and I'll say something like #canigetyouapen?

And my boss will say, "Say whaaaat?" in a high-pitched voice and then the studio audience in my head will laugh really hard.

Or maybe that's just a scenario I made up.

At any rate, it sounds much more hilarious with hashtags. It also sounds like what the cool kids do. Or did. I don't know, I can't keep up with what's cool anymore because I seem to have lost the ability to differentiate between cool and douchey these days.

Yep, it pretty much all looks douchey.


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