Tuesday, April 1, 2014

This past weekend, some people from my work and I did a 5K to raise money for a no-kill animal shelter in our state. While I think it was fun and all, they sprinkled us with this multi-colored cornstarch stuff and now I keep blowing rainbow boogers out of my nose and it's a little disconcerting.

Every morning, I forget and then go in and blow my nose. When I see blue crap all over the Kleenex, for just a second I think maybe my brains are coming out of my nose and this is the first sign.

I am not good first thing in the morning. I don't have what you'd call, "thought processes." I have extra-startled reactions and an incredibly angry looking face. I don't know if my husband's used to it yet, but I truly want to kill everything that requires me to speak during the first half hour of my day.

It's kind of rough.

Then again, I usually have dreams that involve being stabbed or something and I'm usually still trying to get my brain out of dream mode, so maybe that's it. 

Last night, I dreamed that my husband and I were doing sheet rock work in my uncle's house (he builds houses and stuff like that for a living, so, yeah…he would totally have us come help him with that…not like he has a crew of guys for that kind of work), and we didn't have enough sheet rock and we couldn't get the wall straight.

It was a very stressful dream. Especially since I have helped my husband with sheet rock before, and I do believe it is my least favorite project ever. And his, too. Thank goodness our bathroom re-model is going to be fairly free of sheet rock work.

However, the bathroom is half-demolished, and the real work starts tomorrow at 6 in the a.m., so it's on. No more leaky…well…everything. The whole thing is leaky. And it smells funny. Of course, now that the sink and toilet and floor have been removed, we know why it smells funny in there, but still. 

So much water.

Old houses are the best, no? We're going to need so much cake around here.

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