Monday, April 7, 2014

So I have a great husband.

I already knew that, but I felt the need to share. Over the past six days or so, he has completely dismantled our bathroom (down to the wall studs) and repaired plumbing issues, run electrical wire so I would have an outlet if I should ever choose to use a hairdryer (unlikely, but maybe someday I'll give it a go), patched holes, put up wallboard, and completely remade a shower floor.

He is really tired.

Come to think of it, I don't know how he got up this morning and went off to work, but he did. And he wasn't even grumpy.

So, yeah, he's pretty great.

The tiling still needs to be done, the toilet still needs to be put in, and the vanity needs to be assembled, but all of the structural work is done, plus some extras that came up when the walls and/or flooring were removed. I'm pretty sure that a massive flood occurred at some point. Yeah. Thanks, previous owners, for covering all of that up so it was impossible to see.

Anyhow, the pretty stuff is coming up, so that's probably going to be more exciting. He just finished six days of drudge work. Ugh.

And then, after all of that, he grilled steaks for dinner last night at my parents' house and then went home and swept up the floors so they weren't so gross from the concrete dust.

Therefore, I made him a chocolate pie.

He is pretty darn outstanding. And cute.

He's going to hate this, but I had to. I just had to.


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