Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Okay. Going to post about Miley Cyrus, kind of. Well, about that whole genre, in particular. I can't help myself, and since no one's really asked for my opinion, I figure I should force it upon everyone who reads this, as you've kind of asked for it by navigating to the wasteland of my brains. Here goes.

Everyone's all pissy about Miley acting like a hoochie on-stage, and I get it, it provides a terrible example for young girls, but I actually think it's a good thing. Why? Because it was so over-the-top offensive that you can use it as an example. If I had a child (boy or girl, it doesn't matter), I would probably say something along the lines of, "Look, Jemima (Yeah...boy or girl, my kid's being named Jemima...don't hate, it's my favorite name)! See how that woman is trying to make herself more valuable by degrading herself in a public forum?" At this point, I would hope my kid already knows where I stand on this kind of crap, and he'd be like, "Okay. Whatever. Why did you name me Jemima, you crazy old lady?" I would then proceed to explain that it wasn't the fact that Miley was being sexual, as that is sort of a person's prerogative and some people prefer to be more public with their nookie, but the fact that Miley was acting like an idiot, which is unforgivable. And that whole thing, including the song, was just tacky, although I think that about a lot of music nowadays.

These are the scenarios being played out in my head.

Anyway, did we expect art or entertainment at the VMAs? They are two very different things, and it is evident that art is valued very little in our country, and entertainment is top priority. This is why people like Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber get contracts and world-class musicians have to work three jobs just to avoid being homeless. That's the way the free market works, and I, for one, think that's kind of how it goes and you have to take the good with the bad. I hope our children see the ridiculousness and choose to support real music and art rather than the crap that is on TV.

Seriously, though. Why can we not get past the point where women gain value in society by showing off their tatas? I mean, if a woman wants to show off her tatas, that's cool and it's her business, if she's an adult, but why don't men have to do that to be valuable? I mean, yeah, I guess a lot of guys wear pants all saggy so I do get to see a fair amount of butt crack, but that does not, in any way, increase their value to me. Unless they're fixing my toilet or something like that. THAT is like gold, right there. 

I just wish that some day, the woman would do the singing and a man would be gyrating around in a tube top and Daisy Dukes. That would entertain me. Oh, oh, oh...and by the way, the show was the VMAs. I knew I wasn't going to like it, so I didn't watch. Maybe if we all didn't watch, that kind of crap would go away. Or not. Depending upon popular opinion. I'm down with that. If you think it might bug you, DON'T WATCH. 

And, yes, I did watch me some Murder, She Wrote while having a popsicle and crocheting a blanket. I like to spend my evenings old lady style. And I was not wearing a beige vinyl get-up. I was wearing a hot pink one. My beige one was at the cleaner's.

I have a great picture to end with, though. It's of one of my favorite celebrities, who totally does prance around in a tank top and short shorts ALL THE TIME except in this picture...he was classin' it up for the TV...and I love him.

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