Thursday, July 11, 2013

Well, I'm back from my trip. We never mention going on trips before we go, because we're a little paranoid about break-ins. Yep, we're those people. Anyhow, we spent a week at my uncle and aunt's beautiful cabin (which is larger and nicer than most people's houses, mine included) in the mountains and did a whole lot of nothing.

Doing nothing is amazing.

We also got to see tons of wild animals, including baby deer and wild turkeys (the animal, not the alcohol), and have two birthday cakes (one made by my super cool family and one made by me) and see my Grandma.

And my Grandma remembered who I was the whole time we were there, which just made my day, AND she knew who my husband was, too. I love my Grandma so much, and that makes me really happy.

Anyway, I'm back. More later, but I was sure all five people who read this were terribly concerned not to get to read my musings upon farts and poop and the like. Have a super Thursday!

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