Monday, July 22, 2013

Too many days with not quite enough sleep just hit me in the face. It's not been like I haven't been able to sleep or anything, I just wake up right around 5:30 or 6:00, no matter what time I went to bed. This weekend there was a night where I went to bed at around 1:00, so...yeah...not so good. In my 20s, perhaps, but now that I am firmly entrenched in my 30s, I need my sleep. A lot.

And this morning, it just slapped me upside the head and I think I may be semi-insane today.

I figure if I make my crazy a choice, I'll feel better about it, even though I really don't have much of a say in the matter. Not to mention that I have a ten-hour day at work today, followed by a rehearsal in a town an hour away. It's going to be a long one.

That's what she said.

Oh my goodness. It is totally going to be like that ALL DAY. I am going to find myself hilarious. I don't know that anyone else will, but will I care? Probably not. I think this calls for a picture. This represents my day today.

Heck yes. It's going to be ridiculous.

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