Friday, July 12, 2013

We have joined the 21st century and started watching The Walking Dead. We hardly watch any shows that are actually on TV right now, so that's kind of a new thing in our house, but it's really good.

And really gory.

It's strange that I'm not bothered at all when it comes to zombies, because I am the biggest horror movie avoider of them all. I'm like a first-grade girl. A first-grade girl who has to change the channel when certain movie previews come on, because they scare the crap out of her.

Some previews show enough that I can guess the rest of the movie, or, at least, make up the rest of the movie in my imaginative little head, and what happens next (in my head) is usually way worse than what happens in the movie.

Yeah. So I just don't.

But zombies? Not scary. Maybe it's because they're so slow. I watch those things and think, "I could stay very, very quiet in a dark room and only go out during the day. Oh, and also, I would totally look INSIDE the abandoned cars. Plus, I would carry a baseball bat with me and just beat the crap out of them."

I think I'd be good. I really do.

And, when you kill them, you feel like you're putting them out of their misery and that's nice. I also think that maybe if we all washed our hands a little more, we could avoid the zombie thing. I don't know how. I just like to think of that.

In case you haven't seen it, here's a picture. I like how they put the zombie in it, and she's got her head all tilted to the side and her mouth open, like she's saying, "Heeeeeeeeey!"

Happy Friday!

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