Wednesday, July 31, 2013

We were watching Star Trek (the old TV series) last night, and I noticed that Spock's eye makeup was really nice. Very subtle and pretty, but definitely obvious that he was wearing eye makeup.

It makes me wonder, though, why they went with that level of eye makeup for a Vulcan. Were they like, "Well, that blue really brings out the color in his uniform and it makes him more of a sympathetic character because it softens his super pointy ears and eyebrows."? 

Because it totally does.

I feel like more men on that show needed some eyeshadow, but not necessarily blue, because that would be overkill. What about Chekov?

See? He could totally use some eye makeup. He looks washed-out in that harvest gold jumpsuit. Maybe it's the hair. That style does nothing for his face. A little lip gloss wouldn't kill him, either. 

What about Uhura, though?

Yeah, she doesn't need anything. She's fierce.

Overall, while I think they had a good start with Spock, the cast of Star Trek really needed more glam. Too bad it's over and done with. Sigh.

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