Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Yep. I've been failing at writing blog posts. I know it's very disappointing for those of you who live to read my random thoughts. It's just been a trifle hectic, and I'm sort of dealing with trying not to freak out over things that go wrong, or things that could go wrong.

I'm just that sort of gal.

Anyway, we bought a new car last weekend. Well, new to us. It's pretty and a good car and all of that, but we've already had to put new tires on it and get it aligned, and it has a teeny oil leak, which we didn't discover until we got home from the dealer, which is two hours away.

They aren't having us come in for two weeks. I may die.

I know these aren't big problems, and otherwise, the car is fine, but seriously. This is a big chunk of money and I like for things to be as perfect as possible.

Oh, well. I'm thinking perfect is not in the cards.

Also, we finally got to book our trip to Ireland (it's only been ten years since we decided we wanted to go there). Pretty exciting, but also a little scary, since the refundable tickets are way out of our price range, so we are going. No matter what.

So we've been spending money. Two big purchases all at once. That also makes me nervous, even though they just happened to fall at the same time and they were both (kind of) planned. Yikes. Even though we're not overextending ourselves. Still yikes.

And that's life in our house right now. Most people would be happy and excited. I am nervous and crapping my pants for no good reason.

Yep. That's how I roll. Yay me.

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