Monday, May 6, 2013

We went to the spring arts and crafts fair this past weekend, and I was really glad that I had decided not to be in it, because of other commitments. I would've just been insane and it was so windy and cold, I think I might've actually died.

At any rate, we walked right past the booth of the lady who came over to my booth at the last arts and crafts fair, and while I didn't go in and ooh and aah over her daughter's stuff, I also didn't go in and say, "Wow. I can't believe they're actually letting you sell this crap." Which was pretty nice of me, I thought, since that's what she did to me at Christmastime.

Nope. I don't forget, lady. One day, when you think I've forgotten, WHAM! I'll be slightly short with you.

Then you'll see.

I guess that doesn't quite pack the punch I thought it would. Oh, well. Maybe someday I'll be in a position to make her a sandwich and instead of putting mustard on it, I'll put mayonnaise. Then, I'll laugh while she's eating it, because I'll know that she doesn't like mayonnaise.


I am truly evil. But when would I be in a situation to make her a sandwich? That's a waste of a good idea, right there.

Oh, well. I had a great day and bought a very nice necklace and I also got to go to a rummage sale. Got me a Trivial Pursuit game and some record albums, including the incomparable Neil Diamond's Greatest Hits. Shazam!

Yeah, I own that. Try not to be jealous. Also, try not to stare directly at the chest hair. That stuff is like a tractor beam. It'll pull you right in and then you'll be lost forever...and slightly grossed out.

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