Wednesday, May 22, 2013

I realize that it's my own fault I keep teeter-tottering around the same weight. I really do.

It still sucks and makes me feel like a big fatty fat failure. It also makes me feel like downing a pint of Häagen-Dazs and washing that down with a piña colada. Yeah, I know how to spell Häagen-Dazs. Umlaut and everything. I really don't think that's a sad thing, at all.

We went for our first big camping excursion in our new pop-up, and it was completely awesome, except for the weather. It was cold and windy, which meant we spent most of our time inside, playing games. Oh, and snacking. Oh, and drinking, too.

There was a high caloric intake, okay? I was weak.

At any rate, I weighed myself this morning, and I have just undone all of the little tiny incremental weight loss I've had over the last month.

In one weekend.


I am calling shenanigans. I think that I should be able to have a beer and some chips on the weekend and not feel like my pants aren't going to fit. I understand that I don't actually get a say in this, but I feel that I should. After all, it's my gargantuan stomach.

Oh, well. Birthday party and lunch out this weekend, which means nothing but lettuce and water for the next three days. Ugh.

Oh, and I should probably run a marathon while I'm at it.

And then I should probably learn to enjoy healthy stuff, like mushrooms and beets, instead of cocktails and pie.

Mmmmmm. Pie.

Anyhow, today I will do better. I did well Monday and Tuesday, but apparently, that wasn't enough.

But, still. Pie.

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