Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day is over with for another year, and thank goodness. Not because I'm opposed to Mothers, as I do have a pretty spectacular one myself, but mostly because I feel like it's the one day every year when people feel like it's okay to grill me about my reproductive choices.

Just for the record, that's not okay.

I do not have any kids. I do not plan to have any kids. This may change, but it's highly unlikely, and I have reasons for making this decision which are mine. Oh, and my husband's, too. Which makes them our business and no one else's.

I am not sad about this choice and it doesn't break my heart. It doesn't mean I don't love the crap out of kids (I do), and it doesn't mean that I am any less of a lady because I'm not yearning to procreate. Trust me, I'm comfortable in my lady-ness, and that is because that's just who I am on the inside, and I don't need some societal yardstick with which I can measure myself.

Having or not having babies is my family's choice and no one else's. Period.

So please, next year, don't look at me with that sad expression on your face. I don't need to be pitied. I have a wonderful Mom, and I think it's great to celebrate Mothers. Just don't assume that it makes me less of a lady because I'm not yearning to be a Mom. I can barely handle tying my shoes.

If you're a Mom, congratulations. It's a hard job, and quite often a thankless one, and you totally deserve a special day for all of us to thank you for everything you've done for your families. 

If you're a lady who's not a mom, congratulations to you, as well. You survived another Mother's Day full of questions, pity and being made to feel like a freak of nature. Huzzah.

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