Thursday, May 16, 2013

First camping trip of the season AND first one ever in our new little pop-up, and I'm having the worst, longest allergy attack of my life. Could be a cold, but I doubt it.

Yep. If it's not something, it's something else.

There are, however, pros AND cons to this situation. What are they, you ask? (Or maybe you didn't, but it's my blog so shut your pie-hole.) Here we go!

Cons: I am producing runny nose snot at a rate of four thousand kilos an hour. Or maybe five thousand. Just, a lot. It's gross. Also, I have a swollen gland in my neck that feels like I got punched there. My face is swollen from the excess mucus so I look a little weird, like I'm wearing a "Me" mask. Finally, I already have an issue about my breath (I'm really really paranoid about it being bad), and I know this booger issue isn't doing that any favors. Urgh.

Pros: I can tell from my snot that there's no infection in there, plus, I don't have a fever. It's been going on long enough that I know I'm not contagious, so I don't have to worry about that, either. The red ring around my nose is also über attractive. The biggest plus, however, is that I blow my nose so loudly that no bear is going to bother us. 

Seriously. It sounds like a blowhorn mated with an elephant, and the offspring then mated with a goose. It's magnificent. Middle of the night, out in the woods, Smokey Bear comes into camp looking for a snack. Preferably a chubby snack who has just been eating marshmallows. He approaches our camper and then WHAM.

I just blew my nose and saved our lives.

So it's a good thing, really. I just hope I can make it through the next two days at work without dying. That's a hard task even on days when I don't feel like poo. Ah, well. At least there's coffee.

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