Thursday, April 18, 2013

Okay, so I went shopping a couple of days ago. I actually found some clothes I liked that I could afford, so that was great. What was not great about the whole thing was that I bought this jacket, a beautiful-fantastic-amazing jacket, one that I'd like to wear to work today to help me forget the fact that I am, in fact, at work, and I get home from shopping (in a town two hours away, mind you), only to find that a security tag is firmly attached to my new jacket.


What to do? So I go online and I look for answers. Apparently, lots of people have this same thing happen, but I'm guessing that most of the time they didn't actually pay for the clothes, because some of this stuff sounds super sketchy to me.

Yeah...not willing to ruin my jacket so I can wear it right now. Even though it's making me die inside, just a little bit.

Therefore, my mother is taking it to a store in our town today, while I'm at work (although, really, I could've done it myself but I was embarrassed), to see if they'll remove it since she has the receipt and the bag and all of that good stuff. I sure hope they do.

It is a grand and glorious piece of clothing and if I don't get to wear it, my brain will explode.

See? Ah, it's so good. Except I don't exactly look like that in it. If I did, I'd have bought 50 of them, just so I could wear it every day for the rest of my life. That would be magical.

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