Friday, April 12, 2013

Yesterday, something happened at work that made me glad I grew up as a fat kid. I've never really thought about it before, but my easily-hurt feelings would be ridiculously easier to hurt if I hadn't gotten used to being teased about my fat.

Seriously. I think that's why I have a sense of humor.

So this lady comes into my work and is looking at our magazines and making small talk and she mentions this article in one of them that says it has a miracle diet plan in it and a person could lose a bunch of weight in only a month by following it (or some such type of thing). She brings the magazine to me and says, "Could you make a copy of this article for me? You should make one for yourself, as well!"


I think if that had hit me differently, it might've hurt my feelings, but, really, it just made me laugh. I do need to lose ten pounds (more like fifty, but whatever), and I guess maybe that person was trying to be helpful, and was generally pretty nice, other than her apparent foot-in-mouth disease, which I have suffered from, as well.

The funniest part, though, was other people's reactions when I told my story. One person, in particular, was kind of shocked that that sort of thing would happen.

That was the thing that got me and made me realize that if I hadn't had my fat kid life experience, I would probably not have the warped and twisted sense of humor that I have. And that would be a sad, sad thing for me.

Not really for anyone else, but for me.

Happy Friday!

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