For a second, I was confused, because I've been teaching this kid for a long time and she's never really been super mouthy, then I realized that she must actually think adults don't learn anything new at all, they just keep using the skill set they built up during their years in school. Also, Pluto is a planet. You're not convincing me otherwise. I will learn new country names and slang terms, but you can't take Pluto away. It's my favorite. At any rate...
If only that were true, kid. Life has taught me more since I was 30 than I ever learned in school. Most of it awful, but also some stuff I can use to beat my dad at Jeopardy! (I know it'll never happen, but let me have my dream.)
So I told her that was ridiculous, and that I will keep learning things until the day I die, because it's fun and there's so many things to learn about, just for the fun of it, that I'll never really run out.
She agreed and we moved on.
Did think that at her age? Did I think that all adults were really stupid because they weren't in school anymore? Yikes. I hope not. Now I feel really embarrassed for teenage me. Even more embarrassed than usual, because I was pretty horrible.
Wow. Kids are completely insane.
I mean, I'm completely insane, too, but at least I know that there are a billion people who know more about everything than I do. Thank goodness for that. It would stink to be up on a pedestal and then have life knock you down when the inevitable better person shows up.
Also, pedestals are small and they look wobbly and I'm pretty sure I'd fall, anyway.
Also, also, it is Friday. We all made it. Hooray.
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