Thursday, March 24, 2016

So this is my last week of teaching for a bit, since I'm taking a couple of weeks off while the house is all torn up. All day yesterday, I kept getting the question, "How are you going to cook?" 

Well, if our dinner yesterday was any indicator, we're going to put half a dozen eggs in the egg cooker, start it, have it overflow all over the makeshift counter, then run out of water too soon to fully cook the eggs, and then have a runny batch of eggs which we will then try to microwave, but will not cook any further without turning into a wet bunch of eggy goo, which will then get thrown away, and we will eat cheese sandwiches.

So that, my friends, is how we're going to cook.

I believe we will also have us some pb&j, yogurt, and string cheese. Might throw some lunchmeat and/or some microwave popcorn in there, too. Just to spice it up.

Thank goodness we don't have children, because the whining would just kick this project into a very, very bad place. A place involving McDonald's at every meal and gaining fifty pounds over the next three weeks.

But that is not the case. Yet.

Three weeks from tomorrow, we'll be done. 

No more eggs, though. 


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