Thursday, March 17, 2016

So I keep writing posts and then clicking "publish," and then my machine freezes and eats them. This is my third this week. I think it really emphasizes the mindset in my house right now. My brain is frozen and all I want to do is eat.....except that part is pretty normal for me.

At any rate, I'm so done with this remodel. He's done. We're done. But we still have a month to go.

This is a big old project. I have no baseboards and all my food is moved out to my garage in preparation for the big kitchen tear down this weekend. We knew it was going to be a pain in the butt.

And it is. It really is.

There's a lot that I just can't do. I'm not qualified to do plumbing or electrical stuff, and I'm useless at heavy work. I'm really good at organizing and painting, but all the organizing is going to come later, and there's only so much painting to do. That means my husband is stuck with the rest, and, boy, is he tired.

We are, like, three months in. We started all these shenanigans three months ago. Whoa.

One more week of teaching for me, and then I'm off for two weeks while the house is full of guys working and hammers banging and floors getting ripped out, etc. I will be spending a lot of time in my little office in the back, I'm guessing. So much noise. I hate it.

Also, I hate that I can't help more so my husband isn't quite so exhausted. That feels pretty lame.

I also also hate that I've blogged about this three times and the machine has done away with my posts. Where did they go?

Oh, well. 

At least there's coffee. Not having that would put this into national disaster territory; believe me, you wouldn't like me when I'm decaffeinated. I shall have an extra cup this morning and keep my fingers crossed that we'll make it through. We will. I swear.

Unless we run out of coffee. I should probably get more today, just in case.

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