Friday, April 10, 2015

Well, it's been about two weeks.

Two weeks of protein powder, milk, eggs, eggs, salad, vegetables, quinoa, chia seeds and more eggs.

And I've lost five pounds.

That may not seem like too much, but if you were able to see my weight chart for the last year, it would show you gains of 2-5 lbs. when it goes goes up, but no losses of more than a pound in a week. 

I mean, maybe once or twice, but not three good weigh-ins in a row.

So I guess it's been worth it.

I am not going to say that it doesn't feel like maybe the scale is holding out a bit. I mean, I feel like I can tell I've lost weight and that doesn't usually happen with less than 8-10 lbs.

But I'll take it.

Also, I think there will be mass crying if the scale doesn't keep moving in the lower direction. This is so much work and it's taking so much time every day just to try to get to that mecca of numbers: 40%.

40%, the magical protein amount that I still haven't made it to, even on no-carb Monday. I have kind of decided in my mind that it's impossible for a person who doesn't eat meat to make it to 40%. After all, even on no-carb Monday, when my carbs were super, super low, I think I was only in the high 30%s. 

But you should've seen my fat content. Whoa.

At any rate, I think this is actually something we can stick to for long-term, if we want to, and I think maybe if this continues, I'll be able to get to my next goal. After so many years of trying and no budging on the scale's part, it's delightful to see something work.

At any rate,I will take anything positive right now. Because pessimism.

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