Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Okay, man. Let's talk about manners.

I know, I know. My parents grew up in the 1960s, and it was all about freedom and whatever, but still.


I don't care if you don't like what I say or what I wear or how my hair looks. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it.

Stop and think before you say or do something that might be deeply hurtful to another person and maybe, just maybe put a damper on it.

I don't mean a person has to hamper his personal expression to make others happy. That is a bunch of malarkey, and not right either. I mean, if you feel you have something you need to say, say it. But try to say it in a nice way, so that it's not just nasty and rude.

Yep, we have rioting and earthquakes and bunches of other horrible things happening right now, just like at every other time in history (we just didn't hear about everything right away, so it seems more immediate now), and yet, life goes on. And maybe if we all tried a little harder to be polite to one another, things might just improve a little tiny bit.

Maybe just try to remember that special lesson about rights and responsibilities we learned in kindergarten. You know, the one where you learned that you had the right to draw with your markers, but it was your responsibility to keep from ruining other people's walls with your markers.

Don't ruin my wall with your markers.

And stop being so rude to other people. The entire planet does not revolve around one person, and some of us are trying to get through a bleak, miserable, cakeless life. Some of us are quite capable of being rude back, but we choose not to, because we are trying our hardest not to snap off your pointy little head.

Also, keep in mind that the person about whom this is written does not read my blog, so there is absolutely a zero percent chance that I will hurt her feelings. Therefore, I have followed my own rules.

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