Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Okay, we finished our third no-carb Monday. Was it hellish? Yes, but I have discovered something interesting about myself: I HATE NO-CARB MONDAY. 

It's not that interesting, but I wanted to make it more exciting.

It's not even really no carbs, it's just so low carb because I'm attempting to force my ginormous butt into ketosis so I can burn more fat. However, the lack of anything even remotely sugary makes me want to die.

I mean it.  For reals. It makes me feel so crappy I actually want to go lie in bed for about a decade.

Can't, though. I have to treadmill. I do extra treadmill on Monday to take advantage of the better burning. Also, I figure that as long as I'm dying, I might as well die more. 

I wouldn't recommend any children be in the general vicinity during this particular treadmill time.

I've discovered, as well, that it makes me feel better to watch House Hunters International while I'm suffering and yell obscenities at the idiots who go to Lithuania and want a 5000 square foot house that is fully remodeled, but has character and is less than $500 per month. Seriously. What is wrong with these people?

At any rate, I have made it through three Mondays. THREE. The scale is slowly creeping in the right direction, but only just barely. I haven't decided yet if it's worth feeling this craptastic.

Well, that's a lie. Being thinner is totally worth it but I really hope it gets better. Maybe if I lie to myself I can convince myself that it will.

I don't know if I'm that good at lying. Guess I'll find out.

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