Wednesday, August 6, 2014

I would like to describe my yesterday in terms that even those who don't know me can understand. It was the kind of unspectacular mess that my days so often are, and I think to outsiders that may not seem like a big deal.

It totally is a big deal. Well, to me.

So if you knew me, or had even spent a little time around me, you would know one thing: Having something dirty on my hands doesn't just gross me out, it freaks me out. In a way about which I'm kind of embarrassed, so I don't usually say anything, I just try to pretend I'm normal and unobtrusively look around for a sink. The people who know me, though, know of the inner screaming that is happening. Bonus points if whatever it is is actually visible, extra bonus points if it's sticky. Sticky is just....I can't do sticky.

I also do not enjoy taking about feelings. Not seriously. We can joke around about things, but I really really really don't want to talk about how I feel. Trust me, those things are better left floating in the atmosphere of my brain. So, jokes are okay, but feelings make me hide my head in my shirt until the situation is over.

Anyway, if I had to describe my yesterday, it would be thusly: Imagine me, in the woods with no running water and bugs everywhere. Now imagine that someone just came up to me and shook my hand with his sticky, sweaty hand and is now talking to me, at length, about feelings. And I have his sticky germs on my hand, but no place to go to wash it off. And I have to listen to him talk about feelings, but I can't use my dirty hand to pull up my collar so I can hide my head in my shirt.

That was about how I'd describe yesterday.

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