Friday, July 18, 2014

It would be lovely if every day was a Friday. I would be so much happier then. You know, you wake up, think, "Just one more day!" and then go into work, knowing that the next morning you (probably) get to sleep in and maybe even lounge around in pajamas for an hour or so before you have to get to work on less worky stuff like cleaning and grocery shopping.

Which are still kind of work, but I like that kind of work so much better than the kind of work where I have to go into my office and deal with change. I really hate change.

And tonight, I believe we are having bacon cheeseburgers for dinner, so at least when I save up all of my calories and walk on the treadmill this morning, it'll be for something good. Or at least a small something good.

Did I mention that this is the second week in a row that I've gotten up at 4:50 in the a.m. to walk on my treadmill before work? I lost a whole half a pound last week.


(In case you can't read my sarcasm, I'm informing you that, as of now, any weight loss in units of less than a pound when I've been trying pretty hard is ALWAYS going to be stated sarcastically with a little bit of anger and a whole lot of I'm-on-the-verge-of-throwing-in-the-towel-ness.)

At any rate, it's Friday, and I have a new shirt to wear to go into my office and deal with the mess. Ugh.

But it's Friday.

Oh, and bacon.

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