Thursday, January 16, 2014

Wow. Justin Bieber. Who could've imagined giving a teenage boy unlimited money, time and notoriety could end up so badly?

And now he's egged a house.

First of all, seriously, he egged a house. I'm sure the people who received the egging were upset, and I get it. What I don't get is why that's news. I have never egged a house, myself, but I did a lot of other crappy stuff when I was a teenager. It happens. It's not news: It's called life. Call the cops, give him probation or whatever, move on.

(I never caught being a turd, though, Mr. Bieber. Maybe you need to learn how to be sneaky.) 

Really, though, why is that a bigger deal than driving down the street at super high rates of speed? That's the one I'd be mad about. What if there are kids or animals or even slow-moving adults out there?

Cars are deadly weapons. Really, they are. We should be more careful with them. Grow a brain.

At any rate, I wish the people that complain so much about famous people in the news as they're buying their People magazine would realize that they're just as much to blame as anyone else.

And Justin Bieber, vile wormy kid that he is, is just being a teenage boy, albeit a really obnoxious one that is begging for his Mom to give him a good smack upside his pointy little head.

I hope it won't mess up his hair. That would be a shame.

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