Friday, January 31, 2014

Wow, life is busy. I always think fondly of the times when, as a child, I was bored.

That's it. There's no point to that story. I just really wish I had the time to be bored again. There are always dishes to be washed and sheets to be folded and furniture to be dusted and cookies to be baked and articles to be read (not for fun, so they actually require concentration and I just end up having to read them twice because I'm too distracted) and music to be practiced.

And then there's work.

We're doing a big project, and whenever I do a group project (this started in kindergarten…I hate group projects), it seems like everyone else does what they can and I'm the person who has to bust my behind to make it actually happen.

I realize this is all self-imposed. I realize I can always just do my share and then let us fail if everyone else doesn't pull their own weight. Or can I?

I really don't think I can.

I've been sitting at my desk and realizing, around about 11 a.m., that I have to pee so bad that if I don't go IMMEDIATELY, there's going to be a situation. I am kind of like a camel in the bladder area. When I was in the hospital this past summer, I got up and used the toilet the first morning (into the lovely pee collector) and then the nurse came in to empty it and chart what was going in via IV and coming out via…yeah. She says, "Alright, and how many times did you go to the bathroom?" I say, "That was once." She says, "No, I mean, how many times did you go into the collector?" I say, "Yep. Just the once." She stares at me in disbelief, shakes her head and says, "I've never seen a person pee that much fluid at once. You must have an enormous bladder."

That puts all those childhood rumors to rest. I just held it for too long because toilets are gross and I like to minimize my contact with them. Ew.

Anyhow, wow, I'm over-sharing. Maybe it's because it's just too dang early. Maybe it's because I'm bananas. Maybe it's because I'm turning into…well…let's not go there.

I guess I didn't really have a point today, but I guess I don't usually have a point. Or maybe the point is that I want to be bored. I long to be bored. Boredom sounds so amazing right now, I can't even stand it. Let's do THAT this weekend. Happy Friday.

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