Thursday, November 14, 2013

Perhaps I'm a Facebook snob. I keep un-friending people who offend me. Today, I am un-friending another person, and I feel bad to do it, because she's always seemed like such a nice lady.

In person.

However, once she gets on the Facebook, she is a fountain of mis-information and bigotry. Now, I have a lot of friends from a lot of different walks of life, and I can totally respect other people's points of view, but when she is constantly pushing a certain agenda, and I know that she is home-schooling her kids so she can push that agenda on them, it bothers me.

When she constantly posts "articles" that are full of lies and mis-information (some of them are just urban legends, and with some of them you can tell she only read the blurb, because the information contained within the link doesn't say at all what she assumed it did and contradicts what she said about it on her page), it gets to be a little bit much.

It also bugs me a ton that she talks all the time about how intelligent she is, and how she wants her kids to be intelligent, too, and then she proves her lack of understanding of the English language on a daily basis. Massively. Ugh. Their, they're, there. Learn the difference. Also apostrophes. Jeepers.

So I will be un-friending her. I really hope that doesn't make me a snob. Actually, at this point, I don't care. She posted a link to an article yesterday that was about how dangerous vaccination is for children, and while I believe people have the right to choose (I'm all about personal freedom), I don't think one should use lies and political propaganda to discourage other people from making a different choice. The article she used to back up her statement was so full of crap, I couldn't believe a sane person would buy into any of it. As a matter of fact, a quick Google search pulled up a ton of articles stating that this particular article was a hoax. She then proceeds to say that people who give their daughters this particular vaccine are, in doing so, encouraging them to have pre-marital sex and get abortions.


It's a shot. Don't give it to your kids if you don't want to, but don't vilify others for having a different opinion. Geez. Grow some common sense in that vast, empty cranium of yours.

Well, maybe I am a snob. Oh, well. At least I'm a snob who knows how to use apostrophes good.

Hahahahahahahahahahaha! It's funny, but it feels so wrong.

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