Monday, April 18, 2016

We have a sink!

I didn't realize at exactly which point I would start to feel like the kitchen was coming together, but it's totally at this point. The sink point.

Maybe it's just because we spent the weekend away and got some sleep and some good food and just had a lovely relaxing time, but I'm feeling so much better.

Also, it's freezing and snow-rainy and just beautiful outside today, so that doesn't hurt.

At any rate, today, I get to clean out the new cabinets and put dishes in them and get a wee bit organized, so I am super happy about that. 

Well, as super happy as I ever am, which is okay by me.

I can now wash my hands and wash dishes and throw stuff away in my kitchen, rather than getting water from the bathroom and going out to the garage to fill my kettle. So much fun for me, right there.

Acupuncture later, too. Don't know if I can handle this much goodness in one day.

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