Monday, April 4, 2016

I feel like, at this point, we should probably just bring our camper to Lowe's, so we can just sleep there and make trips home occasionally. It would be more efficient.

I suppose these are the pitfalls of doing projects in a tiny town with a hardware store which has limited items and super high prices, but come on. Who can afford to just hire people to do every little thing? That's crazy talk. 

In any case, as we approach the last weeks of the project, it seems like more and more things are requiring different things than the things we've already got, so we need to make more and more trips to Lowe's. Or Home Depot, but that's about twenty minutes further than the Lowe's, so we're definitely making do with Lowe's whenever possible.

We are also learning which cashiers to avoid, which is a very good thing, perhaps the only plus from our many trips. There is one girl who has a voice that is the human equivalent of nails on a chalkboard. Seriously. When she speaks, dogs all over the neighborhood go crazy and I'm pretty sure glass all over the store shatters. It's bad. There's also a crazy old lady who took five hours to check us out and then asked, "How many of these?" When we told her there were five, she repeated it after us, then proceeded to ring up ten. And insisted we told her ten.

I just can't. 

I am learning that some families like to wear a ton of perfume when shopping for hardware, so if I see a large group, I need to approach them cautiously before breathing normally or I will get a throat full of fragrance and be wheezy the rest of the day. Strange, but accurate.

And finally, I have learned that the smell in the lumber department is quite possibly my favorite smell of all time. Too bad we're not buying much lumber.

All in all, the end is in sight, and I have a feeling we just may survive. It's just those multiple trips making us insane. The house is starting to come together- the kitchen and living room have a floor, some of the gross old bifold doors have been replaced, the bedrooms are prepped and ready for carpet, and the cabinet installation has started. Maybe, just maybe, we'll  finish on time.

And maybe we won't have to make any more Lowe's runs.

Bahahaha...that is so funny, I can't stand it.

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