Monday, December 7, 2015

There are a lot of people in their 20s out there. Like, a lot. I guess they've always been around, but as I get further away from my 20s and closer to my 40s, they get weirder and weirder.

It couldn't just be me.

At any rate, they are out in full force on the interwebs, trying to be deep and educated and whatnot, and, for the most part, failing miserably. Kids, deep has already been done by the likes of The Cure, Fiona Apple, and Shia La Beouf. Give up and move on.

I get that you're educated and you're just now discovering Steinbeck and Hemingway, but everyone else has read that stuff too. As a matter of fact, some of us read it in our teens, because teens were smarter back then than they are now. Deal.

Also, why is it so important to tell everyone you know how altruistic you are, all of the time? I don't get it. When you do something good, that's great, but it diminishes it significantly when you have to rush to tweet it, like it's some sort of societal badge of honor. I mean, that's great that you spent your weekend at a soup kitchen, but posting a selfie on Instagram of you with a homeless person doesn't really make your deed any better. It's just you, seeking validation.

Also, try to keep in mind that everyone who is older than you is tougher than you, simply because we have survived longer. You don't know it all. I promise. 

Finally, talking about how very young and cute you are to all the people who are 10-15 years older than you isn't young and cute. It's annoying. Youth is not really an achievement. We've all done that, and then we move on. Calm yourself. If you want people to tell you how young and cute you are, go visit your grandma. That's what they're there for.

Yes, it's Monday. Why? Oh, my inner curmudgeon is showing. Oops.

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