Friday, December 26, 2014


Well, Chrimas is over (spelled it that way on purpose...don't's not funny to other people). I'm always sad because, unlike a lot of people, I don't feel any more depressed at Christmas than at any other time, plus, well, Christmas.

I love snow and cold and presents and games and a free day where I can eat what I want. I also love how nice people are at this time of year and how they take the time to do stuff for others. Awesome.

This year was stellar, as far as presents. I feel like my family struck the right balance between fun and useful, and I only have a very small bag of re-gifty stuff (which came almost entirely from people who don't know me well). I have a sweet, sweet Neil Diamond concert to look forward to and new knives to use, in addition to a Spock mug and t-shirt that are amazing and a sparkly vintage ring that is absolutely perfect. And a Superman onesie. Enough said.

Yes, yes, yes, yes. So much fun stuff.

At any rate, I hope everyone else had as much fun as I did. I feel like we even navigated the family stuff well, and made it through okay. Which is totally acceptable, as I don't think perfect is really possible.

So the season's about done and everyone's getting ready to resume normal, non-Christmasy-magical life. No more overeating, over-drinking or general overdoing, which I guess is okay, and also no more scrambling to figure out gifts at the last minute for those people that got accidentally left off the list. Phew. Had some close calls this year.

But the tree is staying up for another week. It just is. I'm not ready yet.

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