Friday, June 21, 2013

Yesterday was kind of a huge day for me. I finished all of my meds (thank goodness, because those steroids are not making me a funner person), and I went to see my ear, nose and throat doctor for my prognosis regarding the hearing loss from the infection. It was freaking me out all day, because there's just no way I can function as a singer with this type of hearing and I was worried that maybe there was still some infection floating around in my jaw that would require surgery.

Wrong and wrong!

He said it looks like everything is clearing up and I'm on my way back to normal, it's just progressing slowly so the healing seems to take forever, but I'm not experiencing anything abnormal at all. Phew.

I realized I was asking a lot of questions when, at the end, he's like, "Stop with the decongestants, too. They can make you weird, and at this point they're too drying." 

So I said, "Well, I'm done with the steroids, too, so that should help with that part." 

He looks at me and says, "Yeah. make you weird. Probably good you're done with those. Feel like they're making you a little weird?"

"Yep. Making me a lot weird."

"Yeaaaaahhhh. Good, good to be done on those, too."

Thanks, doc. I know I'm a weirdo. Hopefully within a few days this med-induced weirdness will leave me free to be my normally weird self, which is just weird enough for me, thank you very much.

So, yes, huge day. Can't even get into the feelings part. Too much good.

Happy Friday!

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