Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Okay, so we went camping over the weekend, and that was really fun and all, but seriously. I have this sinusy, sore-throat crap that won't go away, and I haven't been able to really sing for TWO WEEKS.

Two weeks. That's almost a lifetime. How am I supposed to get any work done, or get better, or learn new stuff, if I can't actually sing anything?

I've tried. It still hurts.

I had a little cold/allergy thingy, and I sang just fine almost all of the way through that, only taking a day or two off, but this is ridiculous. My throat is red and swollen, and my left tonsil looks like it's trying to make a break for the front of my mouth. Swallowing is also super awesome.

Plus, I went to the doctor yesterday and it is, indeed, allergies. So no magic pill. Well, she gave me antibiotics, but said I should wait a few days before deciding to take them. Thank goodness, because antibiotics are not my favorites.

Singing is my favorite.

Can't do it.


I'm also pretty sure my breath smells like the bowels of hell, because that's what my mouth tastes like, no matter how much I brush. I know it's from the post-nasal drip, but I can't seem to do anything about it, so I feel self-conscious about it. Really a lot. I feel like I need to wear a warning sign on my shirt and I also need to draw stink lines in the air so people will know it's bad and not to approach. If life was a cartoon, those lines would just be there, but they're not, so that's still more work for me.

It should be like that. Sigh.

At any rate, let's hope all of the trial lessons I have scheduled this week go well. It's no good when you can't sing for people when you're trying to show them something. Or, at least, it's no good for me.


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