Thursday, January 10, 2019

I got brave yesterday. Me. Brave. I know, I know, it’s shocking. True, though.

I was at my dad’s house, lulled into a false sense of security by The Napping Couch (for reals, that thing just makes you feel so nice and cozy and’s almost impossible to stay awake while sitting on it), when I had a brilliant thought. I thought, “Hey! I need to ask for a raise!” You know, since I’ve taken on a whole other person’s work and trained a new person and all.

And the couch whispered, “Do it. Email your boss right now.”

Okay, that part didn’t really happen, but I kind of feel like my sleepiness must’ve had something to do with it, because I’ve been trying to work up the courage to ask for like two weeks but failing miserably and feeling like it just wouldn’t be worth it. So I wrote an email, saying what I wanted and why and then, before I knew what the hell had gotten into me (because, seriously, I never do stuff like that), I sent it.

Not five minutes later, I got the reply I was dreading. “Come see me in my office tomorrow when you come in.”

Ugh. So I had to freak out about it all day and night and THEN he was on the phone all morning and didn’t say anything about it so I thought maybe I’d have to get brave again and, well, that just wasn’t going to happen. And then they all went to lunch.

And then, shortly after lunch, I was in my boss’ office getting some checks signed, and he said, “Oh, and we’ll raise your pay to what you asked for on the first, if that’s okay.” All nonchalant and whatnot. So I said, “Sure,” walked out, and tried not to smile too much. And hoped no one else would notice the fact that my entire head and neck were bright red because I am definitely a blusher.

See? It worked out! And I was brave! Yay!

That’s all. Go me, though!

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