Friday, July 13, 2018


Kind of ready for the weekend.

At any rate, I have now been doing the Dr. Gundry eating plan for just about a month, and I’ve lost 7.5 pounds. I realize that doesn’t sound like a shockingly huge amount, but for me it’s amazing. I’ve been stuck without the scale moving for ages, and I’ve made some modifications to the plan to help fit my life better, and I’m still slowly inching down the scale.

For instance, I still have half and half in my coffee. That’s a no no, but I gots to have it. I didn’t use sugar in my coffee anyway,  but I can’t deal with black coffee. It would kill me. I also still have tomatoes because they make me happy and I love them. I just don’t have more than one serving a day. And I also eat tofu because I’m less worried about soy estrogens, since I eat almost no processed food, so I’m not getting any soy that way. And tofu is delicious.

I feel like I’m eating all of the vegetables, but really, I think it’s as much as we’re supposed to eat, I was just slacking before. I’m eating at least one big salad meal a day, and then vegetables at the other meals, although I’m at the point where I’ve added some fruit back in, too. Finally. Apples.

I’m also eating some aged cheese, but trying to keep it to an ounce a day. And I’ve discovered queso fresco, which is amazing and I think my new favorite cheese. Big time.

So, I think I’ll stick with this. The prebiotic is a little weird, but not hugely so, and I love the idea of feeding my good bacteria. I’ve always been leery of antibiotics and I’m starting to cut out antibacterial things (even hand sanitizer....I’s shocking) and maybe that’ll keep my guts happier, which is also a good thing for my Crohn’s.

So, yay. Friday AND down on the scale. Oh, and I’m still having a little beer here and there. Because come on. It’s summer. You can’t have summer without beer; it’s pretty much the law.

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